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7000 Stainless Steel Diaphragm Valves

The 7074 Series is a collection of 303 SS diaphragm packless valves designed for a variety of high-purity and high-pressure applications. Examples include analytical & instrumentation gases, EPA protocol gases, environmental monitoring and medical applications using pharmaceutical gases.

The 7774 Series is a collection of 316L SS diaphragm packless valves used in corrosive gas applications, cylinder phosphine gas, atmospheric and purging gases, dopant gases and reactant gases.

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7000 Stainless Steel Diaphragm Valves - Specialty Gas Valves - Valves

Showing 21-40 of 41 items

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15 707462664-32S Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve 707462664-32S Sherwood Spec
15 707466051-32S Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve 707466051-32S Sherwood Spec
15 707466054-32S Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve 707466054-32S Sherwood Spec
12 707466060 Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve, 0-3000 PSI, 3/4'' NGT, CGA 660 Sherwood Spec
15 707466061-32S Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve 707466061-32S Sherwood Spec
15 707466061-34S Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve 707466061-34S Sherwood Spec
15 707466064-32S Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve 707466064-32S Sherwood Spec
15 707466064-38S Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve 707466064-38S Sherwood Spec
15 707470554-32S Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve 707470554-32S Sherwood Spec
15 707470564-32S Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve 707470564-32S Sherwood Spec
1 777433064-28S 316L Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve, 777433064-28S Sherwood Spec
1 777433064-38S 316L Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve, 777433064-38S Sherwood Spec
1 777435060 316L Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve, 3/4 - 14 Inlet, CGA 350, NO PRD Sherwood Spec
1 777458060 316L Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve, 3/4 - 14 Inlet, CGA 350, NO PRD. Sherwood Spec
1 777458061-32S 316L Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve, 777458061-32S Sherwood Spec
1 777458061-35S 316L Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve, 777458061-35S Sherwood Spec
1 777458061-38S 316L Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve, 777458061-38S Sherwood Spec
1 777466060 316L Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve, 3/4' - 14 Inlet, CGA 660, NO PRD Sherwood Spec
1 777466064-32S 316L Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve, 777466064-32S Sherwood Spec
1 777466064-35S 316L Stainless Steel Packless Diaphragm Valve, 777466064-35S Sherwood Spec
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