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ASB Packed Valve Parts

Aluminum / Silicone / Bronze (ASB) packed valve parts are essential in case of valve performance problems. ASB packed valve replacement parts ensure that machinery can work properly and reach its full potential. 

Evergreen Midwest is a verified seller of industrial gas valves and parts. We serve customers across a wide range of fields. Our inventory includes unitized safety plate discs (3000, 3360, 3775, 4000 PSI). We also have four different varieties of ASB CGA33 outlet caps. These parts are durable & provide optimal valve performance.

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ASB Packed Valve Parts | Evergreen Midwest

9 Items

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1 1214Y41B1 Wrench Operated Valve, CGA 330, 3/4 NGT Outlet Sherwood Spec
1 1214Y41B2 Wrench Operated Valve, CGA 330, 3/4 NGT Outlet Sherwood Spec
1 1214Y41B3 Wrench Operated Valve, CGA 330, 3/4 NGT Outlet Sherwood Spec
1 1214Y41B4 Wrench Operated Valve, CGA 330, 3/4 NGT Outlet Sherwood Spec
P1210-2M P1210-2M Stem Sherwood Chlorine
Safety Plat Disc P1214P-25AM-R Unitized Safety Plat Disc 3000 PSI 165F Sherwood Chlorine
Safety Plat Disc P1214P-25BM-R Unitized Safety Plat Disc 3360 PSI 165F Sherwood Chlorine
Safety Plat Disc P1214P-25CM-R Unitized Safety Plat Disc 3775 PSI 165F Sherwood Chlorine
Safety Plat Disc P1214P-25DM-R Unitized Safety Plat Disc 4000 PSI 165F Sherwood Chlorine
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