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Cylinder Contents Test Gauges

This range of "Integra-Seal" Ball Valves include the following series: 586WA (4ST, 6ST, 8ST & 10ST), 586WAS (6ST, 8ST, 10ST), 587WA (12ST, 14ST) and 591. These brass body ball valves are available with or without access fittings and are manufactured by Superior HVACR in accordance with the most stringent manufacturing standards.

These perform within the temperature range of -40°F to 325°F and are designed to work up to a pressure range of 700 PSI. They are designed for compliance with CFC, CO2, HCFC and HFC regrigerants.

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Ball Valves "Integra-Seal" - WA, WAS Series

14 Items

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Cylinder Pressure Testing Gauges, 2" Brass, "MC" Acetylene, CGA-200, 400 PSI G-204 Cylinder Pressure Testing Gauges, 2" Brass, "MC" Acetylene, CGA-200, 400 PSI Evergreen
1 G-304H Cylinder Pressure Testing Gauges, 2" Brass, Commercial Acetylene, With Hand-Tight Nut, CGA-300, 400 PSI Evergreen
1 G-324H Cylinder Pressure Testing Gauges, 2" Brass, Carbon Dioxide, CGA-320, with Hand-Tight Nut, 3000 PSI Evergreen
1 G-354H Cylinder Pressure Testing Gauges, 2" Brass, Hydrogen, With Hand-Tight Nut, CGA-350, 3000 PSI Evergreen
1 G-514AH Cylinder Pressure Testing Gauges, 2" Brass, POL Acetylene 90-degrees, with Hand-Tight Nut, CGA, 510, 400 PSI Evergreen
1 G-514H Cylinder Pressure Testing Gauges, 2" Brass, POL Acetylene With Hand-Tight Nut, CGA-510, 400 PSI Evergreen
1 G-524 Cylinder Pressure Testing Gauges, 2" Brass, "B" Tank Acetylene, CGA-520, 400 PSI Evergreen
1 G-544 Cylinder Pressure Testing Gauges, 2" Brass, Oxygen, CGA-540, 3000 PSI Evergreen
1 G-544A Cylinder Pressure Testing Gauges, 2" Brass, Oxygen, CGA-540, 4000 PSI Evergreen
1 G-544AH Cylinder Pressure Testing Gauges, 2" Brass, Oxygen, CGA-540, 90-degrees with Hand-Tight Nut, 4000 PSI Evergreen
1 G-544H Cylinder Pressure Testing Gauges, 2" Brass, Oxygen, With Hand-Tight Nut, CGA-540, 3000 PSI Evergreen
1 G-584 Cylinder Pressure Testing Gauges, 2" Brass, Nitrogen, Argon, and Helium, CGA-580, 4000 PSI Evergreen
1 G-584H Cylinder Pressure Testing Gauges, 2" Brass, Nitrogen, Argon, and Helium, With Hand-Tight Nut, CGA-580, 4000 PSI Evergreen
tg TG1-HT CGA 580 Cylinder Contents Test Gauge Evergreen
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