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322 Series

322 Series - Bronze Gate Valves
Top Entry: This union bonnet valve can be permanently installed in the line and serviced from the top
Construction: Bronze cast body and Internals, Rugged construction for long life, Straight through construction for high CV, Designed with unique KOLD-SEAL™, Standard split wedge design provides better sealing and cycle life
Sizes: ½” - 3” (15mm - 80mm)
Ends: Threaded (FNPT), Sil Braze Tube (SBT), Silver Brazed Pipe (SBP) or with stainless steel pipe nipples brazed in
Service: Liquified and vaporized atmospheric gases, LNG
Temperature Rating: -325°F - 150°F (-196°C + 65°C)
Pressure Rating: (Cold, Non-shock)
322 Series = 400 PSIG
326 Series = 600 PSIG
Designed to MSS SP-80 and ASME B31.3
Series 1.5” to 3” PED Approved per EN 10204, 3.1
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322 Series Bronze Gate Valves - Evergreen Midwest Co.

9 Items

Set Descending Direction
B-322-12S4 B-322-12S4 1-1/2" SILVER BRAZE Goddard
B-322-16S4 B-322-16S4 2" SILVER BRAZE Goddard
B-322-20S4 B-322-20S4 2-1/2" SILVER BRAZE Goddard
2-1/2" THREADED B-322-20T4 2-1/2" THREADED Goddard
B-322-24S4 B-322-24S4 3" SILVER BRAZE Goddard
3" THREADED B-322-24T4 3" THREADED Goddard
B-322-4S4 B-322-4S4 1/2" SILVER BRAZE Goddard
B-322-6S4 B-322-6S4 3/4" SILVER BRAZE Goddard
B-322-8S4 B-322-8S4 1" SILVER BRAZE Goddard
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