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HVAC Valves

HVAC Valves

At Evergreen Midwest, we offer HVAC control valves and actuators that are designed to complement each other so well that users can assemble and install quickly. These are for many applications. Industries have thousands of actuator and HVAC valve combination options, but we provide several series  designed to deliver leak-proof, long lasting, dependable performance. 

  • Pressure independent HVAC valves
  • Threaded ball valves and actuators
  • Treaded globe valves and actuators
  • Flanged globe valves and actuators
  • Butterfly valves and actuators
  • Valve sizing
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HVAC Valves | Valves and Actuators for HVAC

Showing 421-440 of 450 items

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55 PRV9434TP230 1/2" NPT Settings to 230 PSIG PTFE Seat, without Drain Hole - PRV9434TP230 Rego
t PRV9434TP275P 1/2" NPT Settings to 275 PSIG PTFE Seat, without Drain Hole, with Pipe Away - PRV9434TP275P Rego
6 PRV9434TP300 1/2" NPT Settings to 300 PSIG PTFE Seat, without Drain Hole - PRV9434TP300 Rego
PV3865 PV3865 Hydrostatic Relief 1/4" NPT 400 PSI STD - SEE MEH225 MEC
3/4" Internal Relief Valve - Replacement Device PV435L 3/4" Internal Relief Valve - Replacement Device Sherwood
SS9412-4 SS9412-4 1/2" F.NPT outlet for SS9434 Stainless Steel Rego
4 SS9432F022 1/4" NPT Stainless Steel, Settings to 22 PSIG Fluorosilicone Seat Rego
4 SS9432F035 1/4" NPT Stainless Steel, Settings to 35 PSIG Fluorosilicone Seat Rego
4 SS9432F050 1/4" NPT Stainless Steel, Settings to 50 PSIG Fluorosilicone Seat Rego
4 SS9432T150 1/4" NPT Stainless Steel, Settings to 150 PSIG PTFE Seat Rego
4 SS9432T230 1/4" NPT Stainless Steel, Settings to 230 PSIG PTFE Seat Rego
4 SS9432T250 1/4" NPT Stainless Steel, Settings to 250 PSIG PTFE Seat Rego
4 SS9432T350 1/4" NPT Stainless Steel, Settings to 350 PSIG PTFE Seat Rego
4 SS9432T450 1/4" NPT Stainless Steel, Settings to 450 PSIG PTFE Seat Rego
1/2" NPT Stainless Steel SS9434F022 1/2" NPT Stainless Steel, Settings to 22 PSIG Fluorosilicone Seat Rego
7 SS9434F050 1/2" NPT Stainless Steel, Settings to 50 PSIG Fluorosilicone Seat Rego
7 SS9434F075 1/2" NPT Stainless Steel, Settings to 75 PSIG Fluorosilicone Seat Rego
1/2" NPT Stainless Steel SS9434T340 1/2" NPT Stainless Steel, Settings to 340 PSIG PTFE Seat Rego
1/2" NPT Stainless Steel SS9434T350 1/2" NPT Stainless Steel, Settings to 350 PSIG PTFE Seat Rego
1/2" NPT Stainless Steel SS9434T400 1/2" NPT Stainless Steel, Settings to 400 PSIG PTFE Seat Rego
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