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226ULL Series Bronze Globe Valves

Globe valves, as their name suggests, have spherical bodies. They\'re divided in two and include a baffle. The baffle has an opening for screwing a movable plug in and out, allowing for flow regulation through the valve. 

Product description:

  • Union top entry design of the 226ULL bronze globe valves allows usage and maintenance of the valve without removing it from the main installation.
  • Good, raw material used in an efficient design makes the product long lasting
  • Diameter ranges from 1/2 inch - 3 inches
  • Used for liquified and vaporised gases and for LNGs
  • Suitable for -196 degree Celsius to +65 degree Celsius
  • Can withstand from 400 to 600 PSIG pressure
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Bronze Globe Valves 226ULL Series | Globe Valve

4 Items

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5 B-226ULL-12S6 1-1/2" Silver Braze Tube Goddard
1 B-226ULL-12T6 1-1/2" THREADED Goddard
2" Threaded B-226ULL-16T6 2" Threaded Goddard
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