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LN2 Storage Dewars

LN2 Storage Dewars
Evergreen’s liquid nitrogen dewars are constructed for a wide range of capacities. Our dewars suit laboratory storage and liquid nitrogen handling requirements; they\'re strongly built and boast high thermal efficiency and complete ease of use.
The smaller-sized liquid nitrogen dewars are specifically used in handling (as well as transferring) small quantities of liquid nitrogen - usually needed for topping anti-contamination or for freezing samples.



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Liquid Nitrogen Dewars - LN2 Storage Dewars

Showing 21-23 of 23 items

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E-21-5311 35LD E-21-5311 35LD LN2 STORAGE DEWAR 35 LITER (IC-35D) IC Biomedical
50ld 50LD E-21-5350 50LD LN2 STORAGE DEWAR 50 LITER IC Biomedical
E-21-5308 5LD E-21-5305 5LD LN2 STORAGE DEWAR 5 LITER IC Biomedical
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