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Electrical Corrosion Protection 9644510 11.7 OZ / 333 GRAM AEROSOL

11.7 OZ / 333 GRAM AEROSOL HinderRUST Electrical Corrosion Protection is a synthetic corrosion-stopping oil engineered by Fluoramics to protect exterior wiring, motors, housings, hardware, air conditioning units, electrical terminals and hardware. HinderRUST Electrical Corrosion Protection is solvent free, which means it is safe for users, non-flammable, will not evaporate, and may be used in enclosed spaces. Use Electrical Corrosion Protection to free up seized fan motors, and on new electrical connections to keep them like-new, and use on old connections to restore them to like-new.
11.7 OZ / 333 GRAM AEROSOL HinderRUST Electrical Corrosion Protection is a synthetic corrosion-stopping oil engineered by Fluoramics to protect exterior wiring, motors, housings, hardware, air conditioning units, electrical terminals and hardware. HinderRUST Electrical Corrosion Protection is solvent free, which means it is safe for users, non-flammable, will not evaporate, and may be used in enclosed spaces. Use Electrical Corrosion Protection to free up seized fan motors, and on new electrical connections to keep them like-new, and use on old connections to restore them to like-new.
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