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Packed Ammonia Valve, CGA 240 + CGA 705

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Sherwood Ammonia Cylinder Valve, CGA 240 and CGA 705; 3/4"-14NGT; 1/4" inlet tap; no PRD; PTFE

The 1206A Series by Sherwood features specialty valves designed for anhydrous ammonia applications, including commercial refrigeration, metal treating, and chemical manufacturing. These valves are made from one-piece lead carbon steel - the case-hardened, nickel-plated stem provides positive shut-off in corrosive gas service with exceptional durability. One-piece PTFE packing promotes easy operation while providing a durable, leak-resistant stem seal. The 1206A valves are designed to ensure a safe, long, trouble-free life under all service conditions.

1206AX5 compatible with both CGA 705 and 240 outlets

Standards Conformance-
CGA V-9 Standards for Gas Cylinder Valves
CGA S1.1 Standards for Pressure Relief Devices
CGA V-1 Compressed Gas Cylinder Valve Outlet
A-A-59860 US General Services Administration Standards


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